Out of State Competitors

Race Pack collection will take place at Asaya Hotel Kota Kinabalu on Friday 21st February - see under "Itinerary" on main menu for details. 

Kota Kinabalu is the main gateway to Sabah with the international airport (BKI) which is served by a number of International airlines with direct flights to regional hubs, gradually being reestablished after the Covid pandemic. Kota Kinabalu has a broad and reasonably priced range of accommodation. For convenience, you may consider staying at Asaya Hotel Kota Kinabalu which is hosting the RP collection and where there will also be a but pickup location for optional transport.

Transport & Logistics During Race

The BUTM is centered around a central start and finish area at Pekan Kiulu about 1 hour drive northeast of Kota Kinabalu. Please note if you drive there on your own that there is significant road works along the main road and several landslides going into Kiulu, and the small roads to the start can get congested. You should allow ample time to get there and get parked, scanned in etc before the race start.

The start area is somewhat remote with no easy access via public transport and limited accommodation in the vicinity. Optional bus transport from Kota Kinabalu to the start line on the morning of the race and from the finish area back to Kota Kinabalu after the race can be booked through the organisers - see below.


  • For those who drive to the start, we strongly encourage car-pooling to avoid a large traffic jam getting to the start and congestion at limited parking areas
  • Please allow time for a slow drive from Tamparulli to Kiulu as the road is relatively small with several land slides and a risk of congestion on the morning of the race.
  • Do not block traffic at Kiulu – follow instruction to park efficiently and proceed to the Dewan for registration. A map of parking areas is provided below - no parking is allowed along the roads leading into to the start/finish area and at the riverside to avoid blocking the route and access points.

Outline driving directions from KK to Start:

  • Take main highway north towards Tuaran - beware of extensive road works that is poorly marked
  • At round-about at Tuaran hospital, turn right towards Ranau
  • After 5 km, take right-hand turn in roundabout before Tamparulli.
  • After 1 km, before crossing bridge across river, take right-hand turn towards Kiulu (signboards to rafting site)
  • Continue up over a hill and down into Kiulu Valley, passing several villages before reaching Kiulu. Beware of 3 land-slide areas along the road.
  • Follow main road to the left across bridge and follow instructions to find parking.

Coordinates for the start/finish area at Kiulu: 6° 3'29.14"N 116°16'54.28"E 

Outline of START/FINISH area - list of food outlets will be updated for the race.


Optional Bus Transport

Optional transport from Kota Kinabalu (KK) to the start area and from the finish area back to Kota Kinabalu can be booked and paid for via the Racematix registration platform. The transport needs to be booked and paid for well in advance of the race, preferably together with the registration. An additional fee for transport booking will apply after the close of regular registrations.

Two bus pick up and drop-off locations are available in Kota Kinabalu:

  • At Asaya Hotel Kota Kinabalu hosting the RP collection - please refer to "Itinerary" (5° 58' 30.69"N, 116° 6' 48.08"E) 
  • At the central bus area across from the KK Town Padang. (5° 58' 48.75"N, 116° 4' 34.18"E). 

Provisional bus departure times are listed below for transport from Kota Kinabalu to the start. These may be adjusted if required to suit any adjustments of the starting times of the different categories. Please be at the designated departure point a minimum of 10 minutes in advance to board the bus and avoid delays. Buses will not wait for late-comers.

Provisional bus departure times from Kota Kinabalu (for those who have opted and paid for the bus transport only):

Saturday 22nd February

  • 100 km and 50 km:   3:45 am
  • 30 km:                     4:45 am

Sunday 23rd February

  • 9 km:     4:45 am

Return journeys from the finish area to Kota Kinabalu will be distributed through the days as people finish. Please be prepared for some waiting time at the finish area as buses fill up to the defined capacity. Please register your name for the return journey upon finishing the race. If you have a flight to catch, please inform the transport counter at the finish area.

Please note that the return buses will not run through the night between Saturday and Sunday due to safety concerns and past experience. The last bus to Kota Kinabalu will leave around 12 am on Saturday. All 30k and 50k competitors should be able to catch the buses back to Kota Kinabalu on Saturday, unless they want to camp overnight and take part in the 9 km race the next morning or support 100k runners coming to the finish line.

Except for people who DNF early and the top runners in the 100 km category, who may be able to catch a bus back to Kota Kinabalu on Saturday night, the majority of the 100 km competitors will either be continuing the race through the night on the course or finish during the night or Sunday morning. There is very limited accommodation available directly at the finish area except for camping. There is increasing camping and rustic chalet accommodation available in the valley but some distance from the finish area. For 100k competitors who finish during the night, there will be food, chairs and floor space in the hall at the start/finish. If you wish to sleep in the hall, please bring your own sleeping matt / sleeping bag for added comfort.

Start Area Logistics

Registration and Luggage Deposit

  • Immediately upon arrival get registered in Dewan Kiulu. If you do not get registered and scanned in, you will not be registered as participant in the race.
  • If you have a half-way bag or a finisher bag, these can be deposited in the hall. Tags will be provided at the luggage counter.
  • Immediately after registration and bag-drop in the hall – move to the starting area at the river side (400m, follow sign boards). Do not stay in the hall as this may lead to congestion and will slow down the registration process and/or you may miss the start.
  • Toilets will be available at the starting area. Toilets at the hall tend to clog up and will not be available in the morning during registration.

Starting Times and Procedures

The start is along the river side for all categories. Scheduled starting times are:

Saturday 22nd February

  • 100 km:   6 am
  • 50 km:     6 am
  • 30 km:     7 am

Sunday 23rd February

  • 9 km:      7 am


Finish Area Logistics

Finish Line

  • All categories finish at the same location as the start.
  • Depending on route adjustments, categories may either arrive to the finish line across a hanging bridge or through town.
  • No running or overtaking is allowed on the hanging bridge.
  • A maximum of 10 people is allowed on the bridge at any time.

Toilet / Showers / Food / Rest area

  • There are basic toilet and shower facilities at the finish area. Another option is a refreshing dip in the river. If you have a finisher bag at the hall, please produce your bib number to collect the bag. We kindly ask that you try to clean the worst of dirt off before entering the hall.
  • The finisher food will be based on a coupon system. You will receive a coupon at the finish line which can be used at any of the food outlets in Kiulu or at potential stall(s) at the riverside if these will be feasible at the time of the race. Please note that there are several outlets in the shops between the riverside finish area and the Dewan. The voucher will have a nominated value. If you exceed the value you will need to top up. You will not get a refund if you eat/drink for less than the value. The chosen outlet will collect the voucher. 
  • For 100k competitors who finish during the night after the last bus transfer (around midnight), it is possible to rest/sleep in the hall. Please bring your own sleeping mat / sleeping bag for added comfort. 









Naak Nutrition

Official Sports Drink

100 Plus

  BUTM Official Eyewear

Goodr Running Sunglasses


BUTM Official Cramp Management



BUTM Official Headlamp



Performance Socks


Pain Relief


Freshly Made Popsicles




Tour & Travel Partner



Supported by

Kiulu Tourism Association


Partner Sports Massage



Asia Trail Masters Championship series

The 100km and 50km courses are part of the Asia Trail Masters Championship Series, 2024.

The 100km collects a point for the Asia Trail Masters Grandmaster Quest

Malaysia Ultra Running Association

The BUTM Courses are recognised by MURA as part of the approvals process

International Trail Running National League

Borneo Ultra Trails is a member of ITRA, and the 100km, 50km and 30km routes are certified by ITRA and part of the ITRA National League Championship

UTMB Worldseries Qualifying Race

The BUTM 100km, 50km and 30km courses are qualifying events for the UTMB World series races


BUTM 100 km is a qualifying race for the WS-100, known as the first 100 miles run in the world. Cut-off time to qualify for WS-100 is 32 hours for the BUTM 100 km race


The 2025 routes have been updated with some route changes compared to previous versions. We suggest to study the routes carefully to avoid surprises. The central start/finish area at Pekan Kiulu is maintained, and the distance categories have been maintained similar at 103 km, 50 km, 34 km and 9 km.   

All courses have start and finish at the Riverside Park at Pekan Kiulu. Outlines of the current routes and elevation profiles are provided below together with course details. Any further updates and more detailed route descriptions will be provided to all competitors prior to the race.

The Water (Aid) stations are numbered W1 to W10 based on the 100 km course. The 30k course will skip W1 to W7 and go to W8 from the start. The 50 km course will skip W1 to W5 and go to W6 from the start (second half of 100 km course) - please refer to the course maps below.

The 2024 routes were ITRA rated with 5 points for the 100k, 3 points for the 50k and 2 points for the 30k routes. The amended courses for 2025 have been sumitted and are expected to maintain the same ratings.  The 100 km BUTM 2025 course will also be a qualifying race for the Western States 100-mile Endurance Race in 2026 and be part of the ITRA National League Championship, see also under general information.

You may note that the accumulated elevation gains in the ITRA ratings are lower than in the course details below. This is due to a filtering process performed by ITRA where they filter out smaller undulations in the GPS elevation record which could be caused by inaccuracies in the measurements. We have kept the data from the original GPS tracks in our course data as we know that many parts of the flatter looking sections have these small but steep ups and downs which can absolutely be felt when you are out on the course, but which are filtered out by the ITRA data filtering process. The experience from many wrist GPS watches is that they will show slightly longer distances and sometimes higher elevation gains than our records with the larger hand-held GPS.


 NOTE The distances and elevation gains/losses provided are measured with a Garmin GPS64. You may find that you get different data if you are carrying a gps or other device to measure distances and elevations during the race. You will most likely record longer distances. This is due to a combination of inaccuracies in the GPS recording through for instance loss of signal under forest canopies, additional distance travelled around aid stations etc as well as a loss of distance when the course is filtered by being represented by linear segments between GPS points. Wrist-type gps devices may also not achieve as good reception and be as reliable as the larger GPS units. 

9 km Route

The "Short Course" is intended as a non-competitive "family-oriented" run with a good opportunity to introduce the next generation to trail running. The current course is 9 km, which by some is considered too long for kids, but we have in past races often seen the parents struggle more than the kids - give them a chance and you may be surprised. The current 9 km route starts at the Kiulu Riverside and runs through town to join the main road for just under 1 km before turning off onto a gravel road. A gradual climb on the gravel road is followed by a steep climb on a dirt track up a hillside to the ridgeline. This is followed by a descent through young rubber plantations to a river crossing to reach a smaller trail that leads to a larger river crossing. Should the rivers be too high to cross safely, competitors will be redirected to an alternative route. After the second river crossing, the route follows small trails alongside padi fields and through a rubber plantation to reach CP1 at the crossing of the main sealed road. After short road and trail sections, the route joins the 100 km route through a mixture of forest, pineapple/rubber plantations and alongside padi fields to the finish line. There will be a water station with refreshments where the 9km trail joins the 100 km trail.




30 km Route

After a short run through town, the 30 km route starts straight into one of three major hills on the 30 km course - see profile below. The first stretch is on concrete road followed by a gravel road that has plenty of space for overtaking to allow participants to sort themselves out in terms of speed. After a 250 m climb, runners will turn left to take a dirt track / trail back down to the river valley to cross the main river on a newly completed road bridge to avoid any queues forming at hanging bridges. Enjoy the views to Mount Kinabalu and surrounding valleys during the initial descent.

After crossing the main river it is 3 km on undulating dirt road, following the river to Mantaranau much of the way. This is a fast section for those who prefer the more open gravel and dirt tracks. From Mantaranau it is a new route for 2025, starting with a kilometer on dirt track then 3 km on small trails through forest, crossing numerous smaller streams to reach W8 at Kitapol. The trail is narrow but generally good with shade and plenty of opportunities to cool off in the small streams. These can generally be crossed without getting wet shoes. W8 is in a new hall along the main river - this also provides a good opportunity for a refreshing dip before the next hill which is the main climb on the 30 km route.

From W8 the course climbs steeply for 400m elevation gain, initially on a dirt track, then going into trails through forest and bamboo to follow an undulating ridgeline before descending on trails through mixed forest and rubber plantations to reach a dirt road. This joins a larger gravel/dirt track at the bottom of the 400 m descent. The undulating gravel/dirt track descends further over 2.5 km to W9 at Namadan. 

From W9 the course continues for a short distance on the dirt track, then crosses a suspension bridge for a steep 250m climb through forest to reach a deteriorated road. The road is followed a short distance downhill, then taking a trail past a major landslide and continuing downhill through forest, initially on open trails that gradually turn into a smaller trail that crosses a stream several times. The stream crossings can generally be carried out with care without getting wet shoes. The course then joins a gravel road that passes through Rangalau, crosses a hanging bridge and follows a trail to W10 at The Adventure Centre along the Kiulu River. 

From W10 the course follows the main Kiulu river valley upriver on variable road, track and trails to the finish line at Kiulu.   


"50" km Route

The 2025 50k route follows the second (yellow) loop of the 100 km route - see further below under 100k description. The "50k" route initially follows the same route as the 30k but continues for another 3 km of gravel road and additional 200 m elevation gain up the ridgeline. This is followed by a 400 m descent on trail and dirt road to reach W6. From W6 it is a 300 m climb over a bit more than 1 km mainly on trail through forest and rubber plantations to reach a ridgeline with a rough track. This track keeps climbing up the ridge for another 1.5 km to gain another 150 m before transitioning to a 5 km long descent to reach W7 at Pukak situated along the main river - an excellent spot for a quick refresher to cool off on a hot day.

From W7 the course follows trails along the river valley before rejoining the 30km trail to W8. The rest of the 50 km course is the same as the 30 km course, initially following the main river on undulating dirt road to Mantaranau. From Mantaranau the new route for 2025 follows a kilometer on dirt track then 3 km on small but good trails through forest, crossing numerous smaller streams (can generally be crossed without getting wet shoes) to reach W8 at a new open hall at Kitapol - another good location for a dip in the river to cool off before the next large hill.

From W8 the course climbs steeply for 400m elevation gain, initially on a washed-out dirt track, then going into trails through forest and bamboo to follow an undulating ridgeline. Where the canopy opens up, there are excellent views towards the river valley and ridges with Mt. Kinabalu further in the background on a clear day. From the ridgeline, it is a 2 km descent on trails through mixed forest and rubber plantations to reach a dirt road that joins a larger gravel/dirt track at the bottom of the 400 m descent. The undulating gravel/dirt track descends further over 2.5 km to W9 at Namadan. 

From W9 the course continues for short distance on the dirt track, then crosses a suspension bridge for a steep 250m climb through forest to reach a deteriorated road. The road is followed a short distance downhill, then taking a trail past a major landslide and continuing downhill through forest, initially on open trails that gradually turn to a smaller trail that crosses a stream several times. These can generally be crossed without getting wet shoes during dry conditions. The course then joins a gravel road that passes through Rangalau, crosses a hanging bridge and follows a trail to W10 at The Adventure Centre along the Kiulu River. 

From W10 the course follows the main Kiulu river valley upriver on variable road, track and trails to the finish line at Kiulu.   


100 km Route

The "100k" route resembles a figure 8 with the start/finish and halfway station (W5) centered in the middle, see figure below. The blue loop with the largest hills and the most technical section on the course will be completed first to ensure daylight on the technical sections. Competitors then return to the start/finish area, which also works as half-way station with access to the competitor's half-way drop-bag and provision of the main halfway meal. This will be followed by the yellow loop. The first loop has the largest hills and is considered the harder part of the course on the section between W2 and CP1.

The first loop of the "100k" course follows the same course as the 30 km to W1/W8 at Kitapol - please refer above. After W1, the 100 k climbs 400m over 4 km on gravel, then drops 300m over a 1 km mostly sealed road to reach a major river crossing. This may be crossed via a hanging bridge or via a ford that gives a good opportunity for a refreshing dip in the river. From the river crossing, it is an initial steep uphill, then 3 km on a gradually climbing gravel/dirt track to reach W2 at Moingob.

From W2, it is 2.5 km with 400 m elevation gain on a small trail through forest, crossing to larger and a couple of smaller streams to reach the top of the ridge at the "shoulder" of Bukit Tikolod. From here there are excellent views on a clear day to W1 at Kitapol with the ocean further in the background and looking forward to the river valley with W3 and the large horseshoe shaped ridgeline leading to W4 - take a moment to enjoy! From the top it is 4 km, 600m descent on mixed trail and dirt road, passing through the picturesque Kg. Sinansag with refreshments to reach W3 at Lokub.

From W3 it is the largest hill on the course with 12 km, close to 900m ascent and 600m descent to reach W4 at Kelubaan Lama. It starts with 700m of sealed road followed by gravel road that deteriorates into a track and eventually a trail section to reach W4. Views from along the ridgeline are spectacular on a clear day. From W4, it is a quick downhill on a mix of dirt and sealed road to reach the river at the bottom, then a short trail section to reach CP1/W7 at Pukak. From W7 the course follows the river valley downstream on a mix of trails, dirt tracks and a bit of sealed road to reach the halfway station of W5 back at the hall at Kiulu.

From W5, the 100 km route is the same as the 50 km route - please refer to description above.



Normal Registrations for BUTM 2025 extended till 3rd January, 2025.

Normal registrations for BUTM 2025 have been extended by 24 hours until midnight 3rd January Malaysia time to allow a few individuals with problems with the registrations to get this resolved. 

After 3rd January you may still enter as a "late entry" with no guarantee of Finisher Shirt and Medal as these will depend on availability on a first come first served basis. Registration as "late entry" follows the standard procedure outlined below. 

Course Updates

There have been substantial amendments to the courses for BUTM 2025 - please refer to the Course Maps and Profiles on the website for details.  

BUTM 2025 Registration Procedure

The BUTM is scheduled for 22nd and 23rd February, 2025.

Registration and payment is via Racematix. You will be transferred to the Racematix registration page when proceeding to entry at the bottom of this page. If you already have a profile with Racematix, you can log in to your profile to enter. If you do not have a profile on Racematix, you will need to first establish your profile with relevant details. This is free and an easy process that takes a few minutes. Accurate personal details per passport/IC must be entered to avoid any confusion during registration and race pack collection. The personal information is also used for registration of points for the various circuits (such as the Malaysian Ultra League Championship) and/or for qualifying points for other races (e.g. ITRA). BUT does not release personal information to any third parties except name and date of birth together with results to ITRA and UTMB for points collection.

Once logged into your Racematix account, you can then select the race category and any add-ons (optional bus transfers and optional late pickup of Race Pack - see below) before proceeding to payment. There are two payment options provided in Racematix:

1) Via direct transfer to the BUT bank account (details provided below).
2) Payment via Paypal / Credit Card, which incurs bank charges.

Please note that there are admin fees associated with Paypal and Credit Card. If you pay with Paypal or Credit Card, your confirmation will be immediate upon payment. If you pay via bank transfer or transfer with for instance Wise to the bank account, you will need to return to the Racematix registration page to upload a copy of the payment confirmation. This will then be verified, and your registration confirmed within a 7-day period. When using bank transfer or bank-in, please make clear reference to event and name of runner, e.g. "BUTM 50k John Doe". This will ensure easy identification of you as the payee and ensure you get registered without any glitches. We do (unfortunately) still receive payments without any reference on a regular basis, and this makes it difficult to identify the payee and confirm the correct runner.

If you should have any questions or problems with the registration and payment, please email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact +60 10 933 4800 for assistance

Event Organizer's Bank Details

Borneo Ultra Trails Sdn. Bhd
Bank:  Maybank
Account number:  510013-612519

Entry Fees

The entry fees for the 2024 Borneo Ultra-Trail® Marathon are set at:

100 km category:                         RM 500         22nd - 23rd February, 2025
50 km category:                           RM 350         22nd February, 2025
30 km category:                           RM 250         22nd February, 2025
Short (9k) Course category:          RM 125         23rd February, 2025
Short (9k) Course (add on):          RM   80         23rd February, 2025

The Short Course (currently 9km) race in on Sunday. It can be entered as a stand-alone race, or it can be entered as and additional "add-on" race at a discounted rate for those who are also taking part in the 30 km or 50 km on the Saturday. To enter the "add-on" race, you will need to make two separate registrations in Racematix: The first for the 30 km or 50 km race per normal procedure, and the second for the short course where you apply the coupon code: #BUTM9KAD2025. Please note that the coupon code will only work if you have first registered and paid for one of the other races. The 9 km "Add-on" race can be added at any time after your first registration (within the registration period).

Bus Transfers

An optional bus transfer service from Kota Kinabalu to the start line and from the finish line to Kota Kinabalu is available. It is currently assumed there will be no restrictions on transport related to Covid-19, and the cost is set on this basis. Should there be requirements to limit the number of passengers, we may have to increase the transport fees. The fee for the optional transport is RM 50 each way during the "normal" registration period. Pickup and drop-off in Kota Kinabalu is central in the City at the bus area adjacent to the town Padang. Please note that the day and timing of the bus transfer from KK to the start will follow the category, i.e.

100 km category:      22nd February at 3:45 am
50 km category:        22nd February at 3:45 am
30 km category:        22nd February at 4:45 am
 9 km category:         23rd February at 4:45 am

For people who take part in two races (e.g. the 50 km on Saturday and the 9k race on Sunday), it is, unless otherwise specified to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., assumed that the bus out will be for the Saturday, while the return journey will be for Sunday.

You may purchase bus tickets via Racematix. Please note that an additional fee of RM 20 will be charged for late purchases after close of normal registrations.

Race Pack Collection at Start Venue

For participants who cannot make it for the race pack collection within the allocated times, a "late pickup" option for Race Pack collection at the start venue on the morning of the race is available for a fee - please refer to details under the "Itinerary" page. During the race registration process on Racematix, you will be prompted to choose the "standard" or the "late" Race Pack collection - please make sure that you are fully aware of what these options involve.


Prizes for the men and women "Overall" category (which includes all age groups) will be provided for the 100, 50 and 30k categories and include merchandize from sponsors and own products. No prizes are awarded in the short (5-10 km) course except special prizes for the youth category as this is mainly intended as a non-competitive family run.

The regular entry fee includes the following entitlements:

  • Borneo Ultra Trail Marathon Event tee
  • Race bib
  • Timing chip and timing during event
  • Water and aid at all water stations
  • Fruits, meals, snacks at selected aid stations on the course
  • A meal at the finish line for the 100k, 50k and 30k categories and at the halfway station for the 100k 
  • Medical backup and support during the event
  • Basic accident insurance during the event only (please note this has nominal coverage only, and we encourage participants to ensure they are sufficiently covered)
  • Logistical support for transfers of DNF during race

Finishers of the race (having completed the full course within the set time limits) further receive:

  • Finisher's medal.
  • All finishers will be able to download their official e-cert stating their official time and standing in the event.
  • 100 km, 50 km and 30 km categories will receive a finisher's tee
  • ITRA points and UTMB qualification points will be awarded to competitors who complete the 30k, 50k or 100k courses within the stipulated cutoff times.  

A sizing table for event and finisher shirts is included below and on the Racematix system. Please ensure that you study this to get the correct size. Ladies should be aware that the unisex sizes are larger than the women's cuts, so please take note. 

The correct T-shirt size must be chosen when registering for the event via Racematix. Please note that it will be the specific shirt size for the event that will count, not the "preferred" size in your general Racematix profile. So if you wish to change T-shirt size, you need to log into your event registration and change it there. It is not sufficient to change it in your Racematix profile. If you prefer to exchange the T-shirts for a Food Aid donation, please refer to the description below.


Say No Thanks to T-shirt in exchange for Food Aid Donation

If your closet is already full of race shirts that you hardly use we are happy to offer you the option of saying "No Thanks" to shirts from the BUTM and exchange this for a food aid donation to the less fortunate and needy in the race area. We are already working with a local entity as part of our Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSER) programme for donations, and this will ensure that the entire amount saved on shirts will go directly to the recipients as food aid donations.

If you want to take this option, please select the "No Thanks - Donate" option under the T-shirt "Size" option in Racematix. Please note that your selection at the time of close of registrations will be final and that saying No Thanks to T-shirts is for both the event and the finisher T-shirt for the categories that include a finisher shirt. 


We have additional T-shirts and a head-gear design on offer. These need to be pre-ordered and paid via Racematix and will be handed out during Racepack Collection. The three T-shirt options, a singlet and a head-gear depicted below will be available for order on Racematix during registration. If you already registered and want to add one or more of these items, you may go to Racematix, re-open your registration, add the item(s) and then pay through one of the payment options via bank transfer or Paypal. Sale of Merchandise will end together with the close of registrations as we need to place the order to receive it in time for the event. The T-shirt sizing follows the same sizing chart as the event and finisher shirts provided above.


Transfers, Cancellation & Refunds

The following refund rules apply for BUTM 2025.

The general refund policy is:

  • Payments are non-refundable.
  • Runners may request a bib swap or transfer before closure of normal registrations with an admin fee of RM30 per request. 
  • Change of category is possible for a fee of RM30 only until close of entries

Please take note of the deadline for bib swap or change of category to avoid disappointment. All T-shirts and Medals are ordered on close of normal entries, and we are therefore not able to accommodate further requests. 

Should Borneo Ultra Trails be forced to postpone or cancel the event, participants will be given a choice between deferring their registration (if the event is postponed) or receive a refund minus a 10% administration fee.

Terms & Conditions

Please take a moment to read the Terms and Conditions of the event by Borneo Ultra Trails Sdn Bhd before agreeing to proceed with the registration process.

The Borneo Ultra-Trail® Marathon is an extreme outdoor trail race that caters for experienced runners who understand the risks associated with participating in such an event. Competitors also understand that by agreeing to the terms and conditions of participating in this event they accept the risks associated with such an event and also accept medical response to an emergency may be slow due to the distances involved and difficult terrain and access in many locations. The 100k category is not for new or inexperienced runners as the race course is remote and the terrain difficult. For the 50k and 30k, the courses are likewise challenging and somewhat remote, and runners must be conditioned to be able to complete the courses. The short course (~5-10km) category is designed to give new runners an introduction into trail running and a taste of the BUTM race course.

All runners must understand that the medical and emergency response time in this event may take longer than normal due to the remote locations of the race course and difficulty in gaining access to parts of the course. If a runner cannot accept these risks, they are advised not to proceed with registrations for this race. 

1. Age restrictions for BUTM:

Age restrictions to enter BUTM are stated below. If a competitor is below 18 years of age on race day, parental consent is required. This must be signed off for on the indemnity and release form and brought along at Race Pack collection. For any competitors below 15 years of age on race day taking part in the 30 km race, they must have prior trail experience and be accompanied by an adult runner on the entire course. Competitors below 14 years of age on the 9 km course must be accompanied by an adult on the course. 

2. Medical Conditions. All competitors are responsible in ensuring they are medically fit to compete in this extreme event and do not suffer from any of the medical conditions stated below.

  • Congenital or rheumatic heart conditions
  • Hypertension
  • Myocarditis and other heart conditions
  • Coronary heart disease, coronary arterial disease
  • Serious arrhythmia
  • Diabetes
  • Any other disease which can be aggravated by running
  • Vertigo

It is the race director's final decision to allow or exempt runners with medical conditions not listed above. It is important runners be truthful and honest about their medical conditions to avoid complications on the race course should there be a medical emergency.

3. It is the responsibility of each runner to ensure they arrive in Kota Kinabalu ahead of the race pack collection time and date and to ensure they are able to attend the race pack collection or organize for a "late pickup" or a representative to pick up the Race Pack on their behalf. The race organization is not responsible for flight delays and other travel issues.

4. Competitors agree to abide by any technical decisions made by the race director, which will be final.

5. Competitors agree that the organisers and sponsors will in no way be held responsible for any loss of, or damage to property as a result of participation in the event. Supervised baggage storage will be provided at the registration hall on the day of the event for participating runners. Please do not leave valuables and personal documents in the luggage.

6. Competitors understand and accept the race organization reserves the right to alter the date of the event, change the published course or the content of the event programme as deemed necessary for safety reasons at any time.

7. Competitors understand that for safety reasons and primarily for identification by medical staff, runners are prohibited from swapping, selling or transferring race slots/race entries/race bibs to another person without the express permission of the organizing team. An admin fee will be charged for any changes. Changes are accepted up to the close of normal registrations.

8. Race bib numbers must be displayed at all times on the front of the competitor whilst competing in the event.

9. Complaints and Disputes: Complaints may be filed via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . The period to file a complaint or to refer to a dispute is within 48 hours of the end of the event for your category.

10. No refunds are payable for competitors of the BUTM who withdraw, do not show up for registrations or do not turn up to compete in the event.  Uncollected event tee's will be put back on sale within 30 days of the end of the event. For runners unable to attend the event who would like to request for the organization to send their event tee's to them, please contact the organization within 30 days of the end of the event (or before the event) for shipping charges to your destination. We do not ship to P.O. boxes or military addresses (APX).

11. Mandatory Kit: All competitors agree to abide with the stated mandatory kit list. Failure to do so during the event may mean time penalties or possible disqualification. The mandatory kit list is there for your safety.

12. Race Course Map/Race Course Profile/GPS Co-Ordinates: The race organization will update the race course maps for all categories upon confirmation of the final race course. Any diversions or changes to the race course deemed necessary will be informed to competitors prior to the event. GPS co- ordinates will be released ahead of the event.

13. The race director reserves the right to postpone, delay the start of the event, hold runners at designated check points along the race course for as long as possible and/or modify the race cut off times if necessary if safety becomes an issue before or during the event.

The organizers do not share personal data such as email addresses or date of birth or mykard numbers with anyone outside of the organization. Any lists' circulated to the authorities or various team leaders only contain medical information and your mobile phone numbers during the race. 

14. I agree to the terms and conditions of the Indemnity release form that I will sign and hand in during race pack collection. 

The itinerary outlined below is tentative and may be adjusted closer to the race if required to accommodate regulatory requirements.

Some key tentative dates are outlined below:

  • 2 January 2025:           Close of Normal Registrations
  • 24 January 2025:         Close of bib swaps
  • 21 February 2025:        Race Pack collection Kota Kinabalu
  • 22 February 2025:        Transport and Race start for 100k, 50k, 30k categories
  • 23 February 2025:        Transport and Race start for 9k

Registration & Race Pack Collection

There are 3 processes in the full registration to take part in the event:

  1. Registration and payment to "sign up" for the event - please refer to the registration page on this web site which will re-direct you to Racematix.
  2. Race pack collection on the day immediately prior to the event. Please see below for details on schedule and procedures
  3. Final registration at the start venue in the hour immediately before race start to register your participation in the event (involves scanning of your timing chip). Please refer to "Transport & Logistics" under "Race Information".

Race Pack Collection

We are pleased to announce a partnership with Asaya Hotel Kota Kinabalu (formerly Avangio Hotel), located in Metro Town, Kota Kinabalu, immediately adjacent to the Jesselton Medical Centre (JMC) Hospital at (5° 58' 30.69"N, 116° 6' 48.08"E), - see sketch below. Race Pack collection will be at the first floor conference facilities within the Asaya Hotel Kota Kinabalu. Limited parking is available on the first floor adjacent to the race pack collection, and otherwise across the street within Metro Town.

With Asaya Hotel Kota Kinabalu as the partner hotel in Kota Kinabalu for the event, we have also added a pickup point for the optional transport at Asaya Hotel in addition to the pickup point in Downtown Kota Kinabalu for the convenience of runners who may want to stay at the Race pack collection venue. If you have already registered and should wish to change your pickup point, please reopen your registration in Racematix and change the pickup location before close of registrations.

A tentative itinerary is outlined below - this may be updated closer to the race if required to follow regulatory requirements. Please see below for instructions on procedures during RP collection and in case your flight does not allow you to make it for the RP collection.


Race Pack Collection:   Friday 21st February 9 am till 5 pm at  Asaya Hotel Kota Kinabalu (formerly knowns as Avangio Hotel) 

To facilitate a smooth registration, please take note that:

  • All participants must register in person and bring identification for verification (if not able to make it in time, please see options below)
  • For any under-18 competitors, you must bring a form signed by a legal guardian (form available on Competitors Racebox).

For any out-of-state competitors arriving later and unable to make the registration within the stipulated time, we offer two options:

  1. Get a representative to pick up the Race Pack on your behalf (within the stipulated times) and hand the race pack over to you (please note requirements for documentation listed below)
  2. Against an admin fee get the Race Pack transferred to the start venue and pick it up prior to the start on the Saturday morning (this must be "booked" and paid for in advance via the Racematix registration platform - see below)

Collection by Representative. To have a representative pick up your Race Pack on your behalf, the following documentation is strictly required:

  1. Photo copy of Participants NRIC or passport
  2. Letter of Authorisation for Race Pack Collection (available from competitors racebox) - MUST be completed and signed by Participant and will have to be signed by Representative when collecting Race Pack
  3. Photo identification of Representative

Forms can be downloaded from the "Competitors Racebox" on the pull-down menu under "Race Info" on the main menu - available here. 

Race Pack collection at Start. If you are arriving late to Kota Kinabalu and cannot make the Race Pack collection time, you may choose to have it transferred to the start line at Kiulu and pick it up in the morning of the race prior to the start. If you are taking this option, please ensure you are early at the start and immediately go to pick up your Race Pack. This option has to be booked and paid for prior to the Race. When you register via Racematix, you have to choose between "standard pick up" and "Late pick up" - you would select the latter and then pay the fee of RM 30.  Deadline for this is one week before the event. 

Race Schedule

An outline schedule for the race weekend is provided below.

Please note that the short (tentatively 9 km) race will take place on the Sunday.  


Transport & Logistics

Please refer to separate drawdown menu under "Race Info" on Main Menu.