Transport & Start Area Logistics

The start of the TMBT 12, 30, 50 and 109 km courses is located in Kg. Lingkubang  (6° 8'53.53"N, 116°26'38.58"E) about 1.5 to 2 hours drive northeast of Kota Kinabalu. The start for the 37 km and 7.5 km is at Perkasa Hotel at Kundasang - the same area as the 109 km finish line. The finish areas for the 12k, 30k, 50k and 109k are separate from the start area in three separate locations:

  • Finish 12 km:                   Kg. Tambatuan (6° 7'29.43"N, 116°27'9.98"E)
  • Finish 30/50 km:              Pekan Nabalu (6° 1'40.22"N, 116°27'50.27"E)
  • Finish 7/37/109 km:         Kundasang (5°58'36.19"N, 116°34'45.47"E) 

The start area is relatively remote with no easy access via public transport and no nearby accommodation except limited homestay and camping options. Optional bus transport from Kota Kinabalu to the start line on the morning of the race (Saturday night for the 37k) and from the finish areas back to Kota Kinabalu after the race is offered - see below.


For self-drive to the start, please be aware that except for the 7.5, 12 and 37 km, the finish areas are a significant drive from the start area. For the 12 km race, transport from the finish area back to the start area can be organised directly with the local villagers for a small fee. Transport from the 30, 50 and 109 km finish areas to the start area would be difficult to arrange as there is limited or no public transport options and no or limited taxis available at the finish locations.

For those driving to the start, we encourage car pooling to avoid congestion with parked cars. Parking will be along the main road (Jalan Ranau Bypass), but with a no-parking zone within ~200 m of the hanging bridge leading across the river to the start area to allow for bus dropoff. No parking is allowed across the river at the start venue or along Jalan Lingkubang leading to the start area, see sketch of start area layout at bottom of page.

If you car-pool and want to drop one car at the finish area prior to going to the start, PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU PARK WELL AWAY FROM THE FINISH AREA AND DO NOT BLOCK THE GENERAL FLOW OF TRAFFIC. All the finish areas have limited space to park and for traffic flow, and inconsiderate parking by runners on the course can cause severe traffic issues.

Optional Transport

Optional transport from Kota Kinabalu (KK) to the start area and from the finish areas back to Kota Kinabalu can be booked and paid for via the Racematix registration platform. The transport needs to be booked and paid for well in advance of the race, preferably together with the registration.

Two but pickup and drop-off locations are available in the Kota Kinabalu area:

  • At Asaya Hotel (partner hotel hosting the RP collection, please refer to Itinerary) at approximate coordinates (5° 58' 20.69" N, 116° 6' 48.08" E) 
  • At the central bus area along Jalan Padang close to the entrance to the town padang and close to the Dreamtel Hotel at approximate coordinates (5°58'48.75"N, 116° 4'34.18"E). This location is within easy walking distance from a range of accommodation in central KK, and easily reached by taxi or grab from accommodation further afield. Please note that the exact location along Jalan Padang will depend on the available space in the morning at the pickup and may vary slightly. 

You need to chose the pickup / drop-off location when booking transport in Racematix. Please make sure you update the location should you have a change of mind of which location to use. This can be updated until about a week before the race.

Provisional bus departure times are listed below for transport from Kota Kinabalu to the start. These may be adjusted if required to suit any adjustments of the starting times of the different categories. Please be at the designated departure point a minimum of 10 minutes in advance to board the bus. Buses will not wait for late-comers.

Provisional bus departure times from KK to Start, 30th August 2025:   

  1. 50 km and 109 km categories:            3:00 a.m.
  2. 12 km and 30 km categories:              5:00 a.m.
  3. 37 km night challenge (to Perkasa):    8:00 p.m.

Provisional bus departure times from KK to Start,31st August 2025:   

  1. 7.5 km category:              5:00 a.m.

The return trips from the finish lines will run through the day. Please be prepared for some waiting time for the buses to fill up. We will use a significant number of 10-seater vans to reduce any waiting times.

Please note that the return buses will not run through the night due to safety concerns and past experience. The last bus to Kota Kinabalu will leave between 11 pm and midnight. All 12k, 30k and 50k competitors should be able to catch the buses back to Kota Kinabalu on Saturday, unless they want to proceed to the Kundasang area to stay overnight to either take part in the 7.5 km on Sunday, watch the 109 k finish during the next day and/or have a relaxing rest-day in the coolness of the mountain highlands. The 37 km competitors will have bus transfer back available together with the 109 km and 7.5 km on Sunday through the day.

Except for people who DNF early and the top runners in the 109 km category, who may be able to catch a bus back to Kota Kinabalu on Saturday night, the majority of the 109 km competitors will either be continuing the race through the night on the course or finish during the night. 37 km competitors will also mostly continue through the night, though the fastest or people who DNF may stop during the night. Participants are responsible for own accommodation and for competitors who expect to finish during the night we recommend to book accommodation in advance. There is a range of accommodation options available both at and within a 5 km distance from the finish line. 

Other Transport Requirements

Transport for Supporters

Transport may also be booked for family members and supporters who wish to go to the start and finish to watch the race and support. The transport from KK to the start, and from the finish line back to KK will be on the buses with competitors. 

Transport of 109k Drop-bag, Finisher bags and luggage 

Halfway drop-bags (109 km) and finisher bags (all categories) must be taken to the start area and deposited at the designated areas for transport to the finish areas by the organizers. For the 109k, the "halfway" and finish is at the same location, and a single bag may be used. For half-way and finisher bags please note:

  • Maximum one bag per competitor.
  • Size and weight should be kept to a minimum with a maximum size of 20 litres and 8 kg.
  • It is highly recommended to use waterproof bags.
  • Bags must be sufficiently strong and securely closed to withstand handling and transport.
  • Bags must be clearly labeled with bib number and name/telephone number
  • The organizers will transport bags to the finish line, but cannot take responsibility for any damage or loss.
  • Please do not include any valuables in bags.
  • Please make sure bags are deposited in the correct location (there are three finish areas).
  • Bags must be picked up at the finish area after completing the race - please present your bib to collect.
  • The organization will not be held responsible for bags that are not collected.

For the 109 km competitors who will be staying overnight at the Kundasang area, an additional "small" piece of luggage may be dropped for transport to the 109k finish area. The same rules as above apply.

Start Area Logistics

An outline sketch of the start area at Lingkubang is provided below. The starting area is on an open field on the opposite site of the Kadamaian River from the main access road. This, together with limited space, gives special logistical considerations. We require the cooperation of all participants for a smooth and orderly registration and start with any delays. Some pointers are outlined below:


  • A combination of 40-seater buses and 10-seater vans will be used for the optional transport from Kota Kinabalu to the starting area. The 40-seater buses will drop participants at the location marked "Bus Dropoff Zone 1" in the overview map below, while the 10-seater vans will mostly proceed to "Bus Dropoff Point 2".
  • From Bus Dropoff Zone 1 and parking along the main road, competitors must cross the hanging bridge to get to the hall for registration and the adjacent starting area.
  • Please note that the traffic across the hanging bridge is strictly one-way leading up to the race - once across you will not be able to get back and get access to for instance your dropbag, so make sure you are race ready when crossing the bridge.
  • If the queue at the hanging bridge is too long, we have 10-seater vans on standby to transport competitors from the queue to Bus Dropoff Point 2.


  • Adjacent to the bus dropoff point, there will be a collection point for the halfway (109 km only) and finisher bags (marked on the map with Bag1 and Bag2, respectively, for the two dropoff locations)
  • Your drop bag, if any, must be clearly and securely marked with bib number
  • Your drop bag must be deposited at one of the two drop-off locations. PLEASE NOTE: There are three destinations, so ensure you follow guidance to drop your bag at the correct distance category, ALSO if you arrive in your own transport.
  • After the bag drop (and subsequently crossing the hanging bridge if you come from bus dropzone 1), you must proceed to the hall to get scanned in to be officially registered for the race.
  • A queue will form at the hanging bridge - please move as swiftly across as you can without running
  • Immediately after registration in the hall - move to the starting area at the field outside of the hall. Do not stay inside the hall as there is limited space and this will slow down the registration process.


  •  Toilets are available at 2 main locations:
    1. Two toilets immediately behind the hall at the starting area
    2. Six toilets within the school opposite the small gravel road running alongside the sports field at the starting area. Please enter through the gate halfway along the road.
  • In addition, there are private toilets immediately after the hanging bridge that the owners have agreed can be used for the event.
  • Please be considerate - be quick to give fellow participants a chance and keep the toilets clean.
  • Please note that the toilets are without toilet paper and with the use of water to avoid any clogging.


  • The 50k and 109k categories will start first at 6 am. Line up behind the starting arch and be ready for start at least 10 minutes before start.
  • The 30k and 12k categories will start two hours later at 8 am to allow the 109k and 50k competitors to clear the smaller trails and hanging bridges before the next wave of runners.
  • Immediately after the start, there is a 4m wide gate in the fence surrounding the field. Please be realistic about your pace and allow the top runners to be in front at the start.
  • There is subsequently several kilometers of wide road and a significant hill to allow runners to spread out and find their spot in the field prior to entering the small trails.
  • Please respect proper trail etiquette on the smaller trails - give way to faster runners, no pushing and respect each other's space and pace. 


Parking and Shuttle at Perkasa

The "Race Centre" at Kundasang is at the parking lot at the "Perkasa Hotel", located on the top of a small hill above Kundasang, about 1.5 km drive from the town centre. This area works both as halfway station (W6) and Finish line for the 109k, as well as start and finish area for the 37k night run and the 7.5k familly run. It will thus be a busy area, and with very limited parking space, strict management is required.

The parking space at Perkasa is very limited and will be strictly reserved for the TMBT official cars. All competitors, supporters and spectators that drive to the venue can park at the public parking alongside the road between the two round-abouts in Kundasang, see below. A free shuttle service with minivan will be provided from there to Perkasa. The shuttle will run from Saturday afternoon till Sunday afternoon.

For competitors driving to the start of the 37k or the 7.5k, please allow additonal time to get to the start with the shuttle. It should generally not take long, but there may be some risk of queuing in the time leading up to the start of the two races. PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE UP TO PERKASA - IT WILL JUST CREATE AN UNDESIRABLE TRAFFIC JAM AS THERE IS LIMITED SPACE TO TURN AROUND. For those taking the official transport, you will be dropped off at the start/finish area.